Unveiling the Disruptive Impact: How Flash Calling Undermines Telecom Revenue

Missed calls have long been used informally as a signaling method by users. However, their adoption by enterprises as an authentication tool on Android phones has telecom providers concerned about revenue loss. A flash call is a quick missed call used for mobile number authentication, especially during app installations. The mechanics are straightforward: when a user initiates an action requiring verification, such as logging into an account or completing a transaction, a call is automatically placed to their registered phone number. The call typically rings once or twice before disconnecting, and no conversation takes place. The system then verifies the user based on the phone number called, confirming the user’s access to the associated phone. This method leverages the telecommunication infrastructure to provide a quick and cost-effective way to verify identity without requiring manual code entry.

The recent increase in international calling and messaging rates due to immigration has led businesses to opt for alternative authentication methods, resulting in a substantial rise in the volume of flash calls. As these calls offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for authentication, they have become a popular choice among businesses. However, the telecom industry struggles with the rising issue of flash calls, and regulatory bodies have yet to address these concerns comprehensively.

Rising Popularity Among the Users

Flash calls are gaining popularity among consumers due to their convenience and efficiency.

It is expected to reach 128 billion calls globally by 2026, as per Juniper Research. Unlike traditional methods of verification, such as SMS-based one-time passwords (OTPs), flash calls eliminate the need for users to manually enter codes, streamlining the authentication process. This makes it particularly appealing for users who want a quick and seamless experience. Additionally, flash calls are generally more cost-effective for businesses, as they utilize the existing telecommunication infrastructure without incurring SMS charges. This cost-efficiency can be passed on to consumers, potentially leading to lower service costs. Moreover, flash calls enhance security by reducing the risk of interception or phishing attacks associated with SMS OTPs. As a result, more users are turning to this method for a hassle-free and secure verification process.

The Impact on Telecom Operators

While flash calls offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for consumers and businesses, they can impose hidden costs on telecom providers. These costs arise primarily from the increased volume of signaling traffic generated by flash calls, which can strain network resources. Unlike traditional calls that involve a complete call setup and teardown process, flash calls create a surge in signaling traffic without generating corresponding revenue from call charges. This imbalance can lead to network congestion, impacting overall service quality and potentially requiring telecom providers to invest in additional infrastructure to handle the increased load. Additionally, flash calls may lead to an increased incidence of missed call alerts and associated customer service queries, further adding to operational costs. As the popularity of flash calls rises, telecom providers must address these challenges to maintain network performance and customer satisfaction.

Strategies for Combating Flash Calls

To mitigate revenue loss and foster sustainable growth in the face of the emerging challenge posed by flash calls, telecom operators can adopt several strategies:

  • Invest in Network Optimization: Telecom operators should invest in advanced network optimization technologies to manage the increased signaling traffic caused by flash calls. Implementing intelligent network traffic management systems can help balance the load and prevent congestion, ensuring that service quality remains high without incurring excessive operational costs.
  • Introduce Flash Call Detection and Billing: Developing systems to accurately detect and categorize flash calls can enable telecom operators to introduce billing models specifically for these calls. By charging businesses for the flash call authentication service, operators can create a new revenue stream that offsets the costs associated with increased signaling traffic.
  • Enhance Fraud Detection and Prevention: Strengthening fraud detection mechanisms can help telecom operators identify and block unauthorized or malicious flash call activities. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, operators can proactively safeguard their networks and minimize revenue losses due to fraudulent activities.
  • Expand Value-Added Services: Telecom operators can expand their portfolio of value-added services by offering comprehensive authentication solutions that go beyond flash calls. Integrating biometric verification, app-based authentication, and multi-factor authentication services can provide businesses with a robust and versatile authentication suite, generating additional revenue streams.
  • Collaborate with Businesses: Establishing partnerships with businesses that rely on flash call verification can create mutually beneficial opportunities. Telecom operators can offer tailored authentication packages, including volume-based pricing or subscription models, encouraging businesses to adopt these services while ensuring a steady revenue flow for the operators.

By implementing these strategies, telecom operators can effectively address the challenges posed by flash calls, mitigate revenue loss, and pave the way for sustainable growth in the evolving telecommunications landscape.

In addition to these strategies, operators can monetize and secure their revenue amidst the increasing use of flash calls by adopting advanced solutions like Globe Teleservices’ flash call blocking service. This innovative solution helps detect and block unauthorized flash calls, protecting network integrity and reducing fraudulent activities.

Contact us to discover how our approach is enabling operators to remain competitive and profitable in the face of this emerging challenge, providing a robust framework for continued growth and customer satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence – Driving Growth in Telecom

The telecom industry is undergoing a transformative shift with the advent of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is revolutionizing various aspects of telecommunications, from network optimization and customer service to fraud detection and predictive maintenance. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, telecom operators can enhance operational efficiency, deliver personalized customer experiences, and anticipate network issues before they escalate.

As per Juniper Research, the AI technology market is predicted to reach and go over 1.8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030.

AI and its power to overcome challenges in the telecom industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a vital tool for addressing various challenges in the telecom industry. Here’s how AI can tackle some of the key challenges:

1. Fraud Detection

Challenge: Telecom operators face significant revenue loss due to fraudulent activities such as SIM card cloning and account takeovers.

How AI Can Help: AI systems detect unusual patterns and anomalies in network traffic, identifying potential fraudulent activities in real-time. By reporting suspicious behavior, AI helps prevent security breaches and lower financial losses.

2. Customer Churn

Challenge: High customer churn rates can affect revenue and growth, especially when customers leave due to service dissatisfaction or better offers from competitors.

How AI Can Help: AI models analyze customer behavior, usage patterns, and service issues to predict which customers are likely to churn. By identifying the risks, operators can implement strategies and personalized offers to retain customers.

3. Customer Service

Challenge: Providing timely and effective customer support can be challenging due to high volumes of inquiries and the complexity of issues.

How AI Can Help: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants handle routine customer inquiries, provide troubleshooting support, and escalate complex issues to human agents when necessary. This can improve the response times and reduce operational costs to enhance customer satisfaction.

4. Network Planning and Optimization

Challenge: Designing and planning network expansions involves examining various scenarios and predicting their impacts, which can be complex and time-consuming.

How AI Can Help: AI tools simulate different network configurations and analyze their potential impacts. This data-driven approach helps telecom operators make informed decisions about infrastructure investments, optimize network design, and plan expansions more effectively.

5. Data Management

Challenge: Managing large volumes of data generated by telecom operations can be overwhelming.

How AI Can Help: AI tools process and analyze massive datasets quickly and efficiently. This enables telecom operators to gain actionable insights, make data-driven decisions, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

6. Personalized Marketing

Challenge: Developing targeted marketing strategies and offers can be difficult without a clear understanding of customer preferences.

How AI Can Help: AI analyzes customer data to understand preferences and behavior, enabling telecom operators to deliver personalized marketing messages, offers, and recommendations. This approach increases engagement, improves conversion rates, and drives customer loyalty.

In conclusion, AI-enabled solutions have the potential to revolutionize the telecom industry by addressing complex challenges and driving substantial improvements across operations. By leveraging AI for network optimization, predictive maintenance, fraud detection, and customer service, operators and enterprises can significantly enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver superior customer experiences.

Globe Teleservices stands at the forefront of this technological transformation, offering a suite of advanced AI-driven solutions designed to address these industry needs. From predictive analytics and real-time network monitoring to intelligent fraud prevention and personalized customer interactions, Globe Teleservices empowers telecom operators to meet the demands of today’s digital landscape.

Contact us to know how our clients and partners are embracing our AI-enabled solutions to stay competitive.

Harnessing the Power of A2P Messaging to Revolutionize Business Communication

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses must constantly adapt to stay ahead. One of the most transformative tools in recent years has been A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging. This has revolutionized how businesses communicate with customers, driving engagement and streamlining operations. A2P has become crucial for all enterprises and MNOs. This has driven market growth, with projections reaching a CAGR of 3.9%, reaching an estimated value of USD 96.9 billion by 2032.

What is A2P Messaging?

A2P SMS allows companies to send messages from an application or software directly to a mobile user. With a high open rate of 98% in comparison to emails which is 20%, making it a critical tool for businesses of all sizes. It enables seamless communication between businesses and their target audiences through automated, application-driven messages. Rich Communication Services (RCS) and its multimedia capabilities have further led to personalization, further enhancing engagement.

Check out what experts have to say about the use of RCS for business communications.

(Youtube video link: RCS and Conversational Commerce | MEF India 2024 )

Common Applications for A2P Messaging

It is a versatile platform, supporting various interactions such as appointment reminders, transaction notifications, verification from e-commerce platforms, etc. These include customer service bots, providing customized and relevant content automatically, enhancing customer experience and loyalty.

How Does A2P Messaging Work?

It operates by sending messages optimized for mobile display through specialized gateways that work with mobile carriers. These gateways ensure secure delivery to the recipient’s devices, presenting the text messages in familiar formats. Optional automated responses can further improve engagement. Real-time reporting allows the sender to track progress as needed.

9 Ways to Leverage A2P Messaging for Business Growth
  • Two-factor Authentication (2FA): Send one-time passwords to strengthen account security and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Appointment Reminders: Reduce no-shows with allow easy rescheduling to improve service efficiency.
  • Billing Updates: Notify customers of upcoming dues or changes, creating a smoother billing experience.
  • Purchase Notifications: Provide instant confirmations of online purchases, including event details for tickets complete with links.
  • Reservation reminder: Ensure timely arrival or cancellation for reservations at hotels or restaurants.
  • Shipping Notifications: Keep customers informed about package delivery statuses.
  • Unusual Activity Alerts: Automatically alert customers to potential security threats or best practices, fostering trust and safety.
  • Marketing Notifications: Keep your customers informed about ongoing promotions, sales and special offers, boosting sales.
  • Customer Feedback & Complaints: Collect real-time customer feedback through automated surveys and response prompts to enhance service quality.

A2P messaging is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers, regardless of the services you offer. By leveraging Globe Teleservices’ A2P messaging platform, you can launch secure and impactful marketing campaigns, ensuring enhanced reach and minimal disruptions. Embrace to improve customer service, increase efficiency, and achieve greater ROI in your business operations.
