The Growing Necessity of SMS Firewall Solutions in Business Communication

In today’s digital landscape, A2P SMS is a rapidly expanding sector, with countless companies leveraging it to enhance customer communication, marketing and authentication process. Amidst this growth, SMS firewall solutions have become essential components of business strategies, driven by the increasing number of market players, subscriber complaints and regulatory pressures. A managed SMS firewall offers a comprehensive approach to control SMS traffic cost-effectively, through fraud prevention to protect subscribers from threats.

The Critical Role of SMS Firewalls

The global SMS firewall market is projected to reach USD 3.0 billion by 2025, spurred by security concerns and the significant revenue share of international SMS traffic. With growing enterprise demand for fraud detection, the necessity of SMS firewalls has never been more apparent.

Enterprises aim to expand and retain their customer base, build trust, and foster loyalty. However, threats like SMS spoofing, spam, and smishing undermine trust, potentially causing brands to lose customers permanently.

According to Statista, approximately 36% of global users have experienced SMS scams. The importance of an SMS firewall solution is underscored by the proliferation of grey routes and the escalating threat of fraudsters exploiting SMS networks. Grey routes, which lack commercial agreements between senders and mobile operators, lead to revenue leakage and damage brand reputation.

Combating Security Challenges with SMS Firewalls

Managed SMS firewalls employ high-performance scanning techniques to combat threats, scrutinizing every message, originator, source, and route. Through rule-based filtering and clear traffic segregation, SMS firewalls help with fraud prevention, enabling long-term capital gains.

Some of the frauds faced by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and enterprises include:

  • Artificially Inflated Traffic: Bots generate one-time PIN requests to create undue costs and benefit fraudsters.
  • Flubot: Similar to a flu outbreak, Flubot spreads through fraudulent links leading users to malicious sites, infecting phones with malware.
  • Smishing: SMS phishing deceives consumers into revealing sensitive data.
  • Grey Routes: These routes bypass MNOs’ charging systems, resulting in revenue loss and leaving users vulnerable to privacy risks.
  • SMS Trashing: Unlike the other frauds, this type targets businesses and organizations, charging them for undelivered messages.
  • SIM Farms & SIM Boxes: This type of fraud utilizes a large number of SIM cards to send illegal messages.
Securing the Future of Enterprise Messaging

In the highly regulated A2P SMS sector, security has become a crucial differentiator for carriers aiming to protect their business communication, safeguard subscribers, and boost A2P revenues. Implementing a robust SMS firewall solution provides bulletproof defense against a wide range of attacks. Proactive measures, including machine learning, cloud-based deployment, fraud response frameworks, and comprehensive reporting mechanisms, are vital to combating fraud. This helps prevent revenue leakages, ultimately securing trust and enhancing experiences.

To safeguard your network and ensure innovative, secure customer communications, get in touch with us to deploy our next-gen AI-capable SMS firewall, Armour. Enable innovation #ei and keep your customers safe with our robust network security solutions.

For more information on our A2P firewall solution, read to know how we have helped Tigo Tanzania, part of the AXIAN telecom group, to tackle frauds in their network, leading to revenue losses.


The Future of Business Communication Why CPaaS is a Game Changer

As customer expectations continue to rise amidst increasing business costs, the quest for efficiency, and privacy challenges, companies face a crucial question: what do customers want right now? How can brands personalize, reach, and deliver communication that is interactive and engaging? Customers today demand fast, consistent, and personalized interactions every time they engage with a company. They seek exceptional products and services and show loyalty to brands that deliver. This makes it pivotal for enterprises to use Communication Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) to ensure seamless experiences.

What is CPaaS?

CPaaS, or Communications Platform as a Service, refers to cloud-based platforms that allow businesses to easily integrate real-time communication capabilities into their existing applications. This means you can add voice, A2P SMS, video, chatbots, email, and other functionalities into your business’s communication stack.

These platforms typically offer communication APIs, including:
Messaging APIs: For transactional and marketing messages, reminders, alerts, and two-way conversations.

  • Voice APIs: For seamless global voice calls.
  • Email APIs: To effortlessly send, receive, and track sent emails.
  • Verification APIs: For a more secure customer journey.
  • Video APIs: For top-notch in-app video experiences.

Additionally, CPaaS offers advanced features such as bots, live agent interactions, campaign management, and analytics.

The Digital Transformation with CPaaS

The future of customer engagement is digital. For many, this means turning to CPaaS to improve operational efficiencies and customer support. From conversational AI to various messaging platforms and social applications, CPaaS helps brands reach their customers through their preferred channels. This is crucial as contemporary consumers prefer real-time interactions tailored to their preferences and accessible through their chosen communication channels.

As per experts the CPaaS industry will surpass $34 billion in sales by 2026.Gartner also predicts that by 2025, 95% of global enterprises will use API-enabled CPaaS solutions to boost customer engagement.

How CPaaS is Transforming Businesses
  • Real-time Engagement: Engage with customers at the moment they need you, transforming interactions into opportunities.
  • Customized Communication: Leverage customer data to create relevant and personalized communications.
  • Efficiency and Precision: Conserve time and resources with streamlined processes.
  • Informed Decisions: Use collected customer data to make informed decisions.
Impact of CPaaS on Modern Business Communication

CPaaS is a versatile solution that embeds real-time communication channels directly into business applications using APIs, SDKs, and documentation. These capabilities include:

  • Messaging: SMS/MMS, toll-free, OTT channels (like WhatsApp and Messenger), and multi-party, multichannel conversations.
  • Voice Calling: VoIP, PSTN, and SIP trunking.
  • Video Calling: P2P, group rooms, and interactive livestreaming.
  • Email: Transactional and marketing emails.
  • Verification/Identity: One-time passcodes, strong customer authentication, and line-type lookup.

CPaaS bridges the gap between businesses and customers, facilitating interactions where and when they bring the most value to the customer experience. This omnichannel automation is beneficial serving industries such as healthcare, nonprofits, retail, real estate, travel and hospitality, education, insurance, and banking.

Agile, Meaningful Customer Communications

CPaaS has revolutionized the communications landscape, enabling brands to provide flawless, always-on customer interactions on their favorite channels. With best-of-breed solutions for messaging, voice, email, video, verification, and more, Globe Teleservices is poised to help businesses create a robust, scalable ecosystem for meaningful conversations.

Ready to learn more about how we enable innovation #ei through our CPaaS+ solution? Discover why Financial Times and Statista recognized us among the High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2024. Dive into our platform and see how we can help manage and improve your customer engagement.

(link to the press release:


Harnessing the Power of A2P Messaging to Revolutionize Business Communication

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses must constantly adapt to stay ahead. One of the most transformative tools in recent years has been A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging. This has revolutionized how businesses communicate with customers, driving engagement and streamlining operations. A2P has become crucial for all enterprises and MNOs. This has driven market growth, with projections reaching a CAGR of 3.9%, reaching an estimated value of USD 96.9 billion by 2032.

What is A2P Messaging?

A2P SMS allows companies to send messages from an application or software directly to a mobile user. With a high open rate of 98% in comparison to emails which is 20%, making it a critical tool for businesses of all sizes. It enables seamless communication between businesses and their target audiences through automated, application-driven messages. Rich Communication Services (RCS) and its multimedia capabilities have further led to personalization, further enhancing engagement.

Check out what experts have to say about the use of RCS for business communications.

(Youtube video link: RCS and Conversational Commerce | MEF India 2024 )

Common Applications for A2P Messaging

It is a versatile platform, supporting various interactions such as appointment reminders, transaction notifications, verification from e-commerce platforms, etc. These include customer service bots, providing customized and relevant content automatically, enhancing customer experience and loyalty.

How Does A2P Messaging Work?

It operates by sending messages optimized for mobile display through specialized gateways that work with mobile carriers. These gateways ensure secure delivery to the recipient’s devices, presenting the text messages in familiar formats. Optional automated responses can further improve engagement. Real-time reporting allows the sender to track progress as needed.

9 Ways to Leverage A2P Messaging for Business Growth
  • Two-factor Authentication (2FA): Send one-time passwords to strengthen account security and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Appointment Reminders: Reduce no-shows with allow easy rescheduling to improve service efficiency.
  • Billing Updates: Notify customers of upcoming dues or changes, creating a smoother billing experience.
  • Purchase Notifications: Provide instant confirmations of online purchases, including event details for tickets complete with links.
  • Reservation reminder: Ensure timely arrival or cancellation for reservations at hotels or restaurants.
  • Shipping Notifications: Keep customers informed about package delivery statuses.
  • Unusual Activity Alerts: Automatically alert customers to potential security threats or best practices, fostering trust and safety.
  • Marketing Notifications: Keep your customers informed about ongoing promotions, sales and special offers, boosting sales.
  • Customer Feedback & Complaints: Collect real-time customer feedback through automated surveys and response prompts to enhance service quality.

A2P messaging is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers, regardless of the services you offer. By leveraging Globe Teleservices’ A2P messaging platform, you can launch secure and impactful marketing campaigns, ensuring enhanced reach and minimal disruptions. Embrace to improve customer service, increase efficiency, and achieve greater ROI in your business operations.
